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Principal Biologist: Dave Venditti
Project Leaders: Eric Johnson, eric.johnson@idfg.idaho.gov and Odbayar Tumendemberel, odbayar.tumendemberel@idfg.idaho.gov
The Snake River Sockeye Salmon Captive Broodstock program was initiated in 1991 as a safety measure to avoid extinction of the stock. The research, monitoring and evaluation component of the program has been evaluating the contribution that hatchery produced Sockeye Salmon make towards the recovery of the ESU at several life stages (e.g. eyed eggs, presmolts, full term smolts, and adult releases). Field data are used to estimate juvenile and adult survival, the success of the different release strategies, and generate viable salmonid population parameters such as abundance, productivity, spatial structure and diversity. The research, monitoring and evaluation program also utilizes genetic tools and techniques to assist with broodstock collection and spawning and to measure effective population size and genetic diversity through time.
Putting the Red Back in Redfish Lake:
Genetic Diversity in the Snake River sockeye salmon captive broodstock program:
Sockeye salmon return to Redfish Lake
Funding from the Bonneville Power Administration