Jesse McCane - PSMFC (Sr. Data Coordinator)
Jesse graduated from Hendrix College in 2010 with a B.A. in Biology and a minor in Computer science. He coordinates the shipping of sampling materials to various hatcheries and agencies across the Pacific Northwest, as well as the inventory of all returning samples. Jesse’s primary responsibility is the oversight and maintenance of the EFGL genetic database, which currently houses metadata and genetic data for over 3,000 collections comprised of over 1,000,000 fish. He is also actively involved with research involving effective population size of salmonid populations, as well as the use of genetic analysis software to estimate various population metrics. When Jesse is not at work, he enjoys spending time with his black Labrador (Trout) and Catahoula cross (Tuna), gardening, playing Frisbee, cooking, fishing, camping, hiking, and homebrewing beer.

The ease of genetic sampling with Whatman paper