Angie Chia - PSMFC (Fisheries Genetics Technician II)
Growing up, I’ve always been fascinated by the why and how things work. It was not till my internship project in Singapore on the Molecular Characterization of Aedes albopictus that made me realize that these research projects are the starting point to make that happen.
Originally from Singapore, moving to the US provided me an opportunity to pursue a higher education overseas that I couldn’t decline, and I’m glad I didn’t. Since then, it has led to a BS in Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology from University of Washington, and a MS in Biotechnology majoring in Bioinformatics from Johns Hopkins University. I’m excited to be working as a fisheries genetics technician here at EFGL!
Outside of work, I usually spend time outdoors hiking, or on my woodworking hobby which includes everything from making full sized furniture to small keychains.